That time
I just have to vent.
Well Thanks to my pills this only happens 4 times a year but it's that time of my cycle once again. It sucks. I'm feeling really cranky, irritable, and I've got cramps that don't want to let up. I haven't had cramps that much since I had my baby 4 years ago. It's been 3 months since I had my last period. I guess my body is getting back at me for making it wait so long. I started out getting my usual migrane but took one of my Maxalt and it's gone and doesn't seem to be trying to come back. I can't just go to bed like I'd like to do. I can put heat on it but it'll help just so long and then it starts to bug me. Its like I get irritated with the heat strip. Everything is making me cranky today.
I love eating chocolate but I'm all out of dark chocolate and the milk stuff that I snuck out of my daughter's easter basket just doesn't do the job for me. I've taken the all the meds I can that usually help the most but it's obviously not helping my mood. Plus having kids here doesn't improve it. I've suprised myself by actually showing more patience than I sometimes do but my inner lionness is pissed
Thanks for letting me vent here. Also I thought we could share things we've done to help relieve the multiple irritations of this lovely period of our lives.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.