I avoided 830 classes when I went to university. Only had one ever schedualed, and it was a tutorial for a class I knew backwards and forwards, so I never attended.
I preferred having classes that started at 11 am or 1 pmish. It meant I could work all night until 5 am on a project, get a nap, and make it to class the next day.
Was I a lazy bum? Well, it took me 6 months to pay off all of my debt I accumulated from school after I graduated: I worked my way through university.
In my program, the homework took way more time than the class time did (about twice as much). Given I only had ~15 hours of class a week, schedualing it at times the students prefer sounds like a better idea than doing it when they don't want to go to class.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.