Originally posted by Cuball
Well I used both for a period of time. My findings are that when developing with J2EE you have a greater reusability of backend code then when developing with .NET
I've seen similar opinions on .net in the past and I'm kinda confused by that. I'm not heavy into Java, but I've been on several large .net projects where each one has a bit of reused code from the one before it.
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, reusing code is as simple as "Add Project..." or "Add File" (if you just want a few source files). Simply reference the Namespace/class, and voila. Namespaces are pretty much identical to packages in Java.
Plus you have the GAC, so you can store a DLL with all your common methods (in my case, DB calls) that each and every app can reference. Registering those is a simple drag & drop, or by using the GAC Configuration.