Originally posted by MadHatder
Sorry, didn't realize Tilted Sexuality wasn't for me to talk about my sexuality. I'll remember that for the future though. Thanks.
This really isn't a forum for
erotic fiction:
Originally posted by MadHatder
Mabye have a forum for erotic authors, I know I write a little, I'm sure there is a few more at least who would be interested.
Like I said, maybe you are telling the truth. Have any donuts to ante up?
1> Two erotic stories in different forums posted minutes apart.
2> Stories that sound more like introductions to letters to penthouse than what happened to someone.
3> An expressed interest in writing erotic web-fiction.
4> No long term presence, which prevents you from having any credibility in and of yourself.
5> 2/3 of your erotic stories don't ask for any answers, but are rather "I did X, aren't I the shits".