WarWagon - bending acrylic is easy, you just need heat.
In this picture I'm working on an aquarium but you can see what I'm doing. I've clamped the piece over the edge of my bench and am using a propane torch to heat both above and below where I want the bend (right where it goes over the edge). Heat evenly and slowly - if you get it too hot the plexi will bubble. About 30 passes with the torch and that piece will start to droop. Support it while you get it even softer and then you can bend it as far as you want. I make a left to right pass, pick the torch up and move it back to the left for another pass. If you go back and forth (without picking up) you'll heat the ends more than the middle.
After you remove it from the clamps you'll have a minute or two to put it in exactly the shape you want. Give it a try!