Cool, thanks for all the info guys. So I forgot to mention: The reason I was a little paranoid is because a girl-friend of mine was in Chico, CA (very strict underage laws) and was caught using a fake ID to get into a club. Instead of tossing the ID, the bouncer took the time to turn it into the cops, who proceeded to track her down and take away her liscence for going on six months now and are yet to let her know how much longer it's going to be this way. It's a different situation though because it was a true fake-fake ID, and she was caught actually using it. I guess I just like to be ready for anything in the end...
And werd to Analog, as always
Originally posted by moonstrucksoul
waited 21 years to step into any bar legally. if you can't find one that will serve you without a fake ID, or you can't get your alchohol any other way without stealing, then maybe you should just think about not drinking.
Yikes. Much respect, but what a shallow way of looking at things. For starters, I can definitely be served without an ID, and can get alcohol without having to steal it. However I'm not sure where you've done your partying, but good luck with having a night out in San Francisco without an ID. An obvious statement, yes, but to say that one should 'consider not drinking' because they need an ID is quite a large statement to make. I can carry myself respectfully enough in general to get a quick drink at a local pub without getting carded, but don't suggest that I'm too immature just because an ID is mandatory at most nice locations.