just as long as we sooners can continue to cross the border once a year to roundly kick your asses in football.
That may be true, but us Longhorns dont need to drive 3hrs to have fun, we have 6th St. only 2miles away

One thing you forgot to mention is that your corn, milk & cheese, and other food products that don't grow so nicely in the desert plains of Texas will increase in cost dramatically.
Come to the Hill Country, or the Woodlands, or anywhere in the Eastern half of Texas. Less than half the state is a desert. And for a second point, dairy products (cows) DO grow very nicely down here, how the hell do you think we produce the vast majority of Beef in America (and the world)... but oh yeah, we're just a giant desert.
Have you ever noticed how people who live in really crappy places are the ones most likely to offer unsolicited proclamations as to why their home is a lot better than you might think it is?
Been everywhere in America between California, to Florida, To the NE, to Oregon. Sorry, but I love Texas the best. Until you come visit dont dog the state.