My Friend, The Proud Alcoholic.
I have quite the serious dilemma.
I have a friend, we'll call him Jim. He's 40 years old, single, my work-out partner, a drug-dealer and he's a big-time alcoholic.
Jim will come to work 4 out of 5 days hungover, and is hungover Sat and Sun as well. To his credit, he DOES come to work, and he DOES do his work, but he does it at the pace you'd expect a hungover man to do it.
You're probably thinking, I need to have an intervention, or something to try and help him... but that's my problem.
Jim is awfully proud of his ability to consume massive amounts of alcohol. I've started out by saying, "Jim about that 24-pack and bottle of wine you consumed last night.." before he will interrupt me with, "Oh man you should of come over! I cooked up a big'ol 22 oz steak, smoked two bowls of bud and had a ton of beer. I was celebrating!"
That's another thing. Jim's enabler is finding excuses to celebrate something. Anything. Doesn't matter. It could from the US capturing Saddam to the end of his child support payments to his favorite singer winning on American Idol that night.
To make matters worse, Jim is a health nut's worst nightmare. He claims to be "doing the Atkin's", which I couldn't care less about except he doesn't do it right and has Gout. He firmly believes that fruits and vegetables are BAAAAAD, while marijuana is perfectly OK but "It's natural."
So let me repeat that, everything that is natural is considered healthy to Jim, except fruits and veggies.
He also will drink entire bottles of red wine, "because red wine is good for you". I've already tried explaining to him that it's a glass that's considered good, not the whole bottle. He claims he's just being "extra healthy."
Jim really believes in the things he says. Jim doesn't think he has a drinking problem, but a "gift" for putting away alcohol.
I don't know what to do. Five years ago when he was 35 he told me he was 28 and I believed him. Now he looks 55 and he's only 40.
Jim is also beginning to show signs of moderate brain damage from the weed and booze. He tells the same stories to you repeatedly, and has trouble paying attention. He didn't used to be this way.
What in the world do you tell a man who's in love with his bad habits?