Originally posted by irseg
I'm usually in favor of function before form, but holy crap that looks like something a couple guys slapped together in their garage after a case of beer. Look at this, for instance.. I won't even mention the interior!
Have you ever run side exhuast on a car ( not side pipes but side exiting exhuast)? You need to have it plated and you usually will want to run a insilator behind the exhaust plate becuase it will discolor any paint around where the exhuast comes out. Then the next logical question is how the hell are you going to attach a plate with a insolator to the body work? I know of two, rivits and screws. Screws are a hell of a lot easier to remove then rivits if you need to pull of the shell. Considering the lines of the car and what they need to do to make it functional I think they did a fine job, if you don't like thier choice of screws or the fact that welding is the best way to bond two metal surfaces then -okay- but I don't think a lot of drunk guys could have done that good.
And the interior; remember almost all racing bodies require the removal of ALL non-essensal flamable material. this would mean you are not going to have nice carpet floors and plastic trim pieces. Doing a CF dash is a great way to save weight and cut down on burnables. The cage is tight, the floor pans are well done, the dash is functional and very well laided - what else can you ask for out of a race car?
Please enlighten me on how you would make these to parts of the car "better" with out giving up any performance or functionality.