Originally posted by brianna
I want a smart president with his own ideas -- i don't know that I can trust someone who cannot write his own speeches to even be capable of picking a decent cab
Speaking as someone who has been an advisor and written speeches, I think your view is way too simplistic.
Most of the people in positions of power in this country are capable of writing their own speeches, but defer the majority of it to writers/advisors who have spent much more time on the intricate details of the given topic.
Everytime one of those leaders opens their mouth, the words that they choose could have international/domestic economic or security consequences. It's impossible for any leader or candidate to have an intimate knowledge of every hot topic of the day.
For instance, a Senator/Congressman will have advisors that specialize in Defense, Agriculture, Trade, Healthcare, etc... It's their job to know everything inside and out and then advise. The ultimate decision is made by the elected official, but without the advice of staff, they wouldn't have time or the physical mental capacity to understand every nuance.
Remember, when the founding fathers were around and designed our government, they did write their own speeches. But then again, they didn't have a tax code that fills a room or pass omnibus bills that are 10,000 pages long.