Originally posted by phyzix525
Are you saying the left would not want us to retaliate?
Of course not. That would be far too general of a statement and we have more than enough of that going on already. But, I would say that the left would likely be more accepting of options other than immediate retaliation. My point was more aimed at replying to the posted question, and attempted to state an opinion on the presidential race itself. I used the term "Nuke" as a way of focusing attention on an attitude of war and violence we seem to be caught up in, and to remind people of one possible outcome of such continued blind agression.
Many of those who are opposed to the re-election of Mr. Bush, hold this opinion out of a mixture of fear, and frustration. Fear of the possible outcome of this new "Holy War" we have instigated(and yes it is becoming a war of religions, whether we want it to be or not). And frustration at the apparent lack of forsight that has been put into the "plans" of said war.
Just to clarify, before I am flamed as liberal and unpatriotic again.
I do not like the democratic party, or what they stand for as a general rule.
I have even more dislike for the republican platform , as it is likely to create even more problems for people like myself (average working American) than that of the Dems.
I think strategic destruction of terrorist infrastructure, and personnel is an option with considerable weight.
I do not think blanket destruction of anything remotely terrorist related, or anti-American is an acceptable option.
I do not beleive the United States has invested the needed resources into non-violent resolution of the underlying reasons for such devotion to American destruction, as is seen in many Terrorist harboring regions.
I dislike Bush, As I find his policy of deluted civil rights and freedom fries to be ignorant and misguided.
I dislike Kerry , as he is attempting to gain the presidency for all the wrong reasons.
Honestly, in my opinion. Anyone who would actively seek the job of president of this country is likely the wrong person for the Job, for various reasons depending on the individual. Thus we are forced to chose the candidate who is less likely to make things worse, In this case, I feel that would be Mr. Kerry.