The drowning thing never worked with us. I'm not too sure why, but I have a sneaky suspicion that it was because of the previous owners, who let them run wild for many years (the property before we got it was basically in disuse) and the 'dogs made complex warrens that would have taken a LOT of water to fill, especially with our sandy soil.
I think that micah, you should follow Bossnass's advice on not using the strychnine then. I can only speak from personal experience on it's safety- we did not have anything become sick or die from the poison other than it's intended targets. Hmmm just reading up on the chemical now. haha i wouldn't recommend it now either for your situation.

bossnass, I am from alberta, We own a stables on 26 acres of property just off of a group of acrages (sp?) Right next to the highway. Our house right across from the barn is included in the "community" of acreage houses. I'm not too sure of the details, i'm pretty sure it's a bylaw, but there is a sign as you turn into the area that says firearm discharge is forbidden. (or to that effect) Sorry i'm not clear on the details, it's been 5 years now since my family checked this out. ( I was 13 at the time.)