Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
My Top 3, making a Top 10 would be impossible.
Darth Vader (STAR WARS)
No particular order either...
Originally posted by mattevil
Harmonica- Once upon a time in the West
Man with No Name - Dollars Trilogy
Ash- The Evil Dead Trilogy
Leon - Leon: The Professional
Indiana Jones -Indiana Jones Trilogy
Snake Plisskin- Escape from New York
Nada- They Live
Everbody else orignated in books(Atticus Finch,quint,etc.). I only included neville since omega man is pretty diffrent from the book
I'll add:
Chewbacca - a roar and a grunt just about says it all
Princess Leia - strong female character, while being sexy
Ellen Ripley from the Alien movies - " "
Kid Shelleen/Strawn - from Cat Ballou, and from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Liberty Valance.
Elwood P. Dowd - Harvey - great lovable character
Erik, The Phantom - from The Phantom of the Opera, 1925 version - scary looking dude

Maria - The Sound of Music