I have Cingular. I have never had a problem with reception, infact I had reception some places Verizon didn't. I absolutely love Cingular, I have had zero problems and their tech support is knowledgeable and friendly, unlike AT&T. I chose Cingular for a few reasons. 1) Cingular's phones are much nicer, they use newer technology which companies are making more phones for. TDMA is a thing of the past. This is the main reason why I don't have Verizon. I am just not a fan of their phones. 2) Rollover, There is nothing like getting your minutes back. 3) I paid for 1st incoming minute free, which is a majority of my calls. So I have even more minutes to my disposal. I have 600 anytime minutes with 2 other lines on my plan and it works great. Both Cingular and Verizon have free mobile-to-mobile. And don't forget Cingular and AT&T are merging so they will have even better coverage by the end of the year. I hope that helps out.
If something seems too good to be true, then it probably is....
Last edited by punx1325; 04-18-2004 at 01:26 PM..