These dogs are evry dangerous. Sure, not EVERY rottweiler, but I have EXTREMELY bad experiences.
1) When I was 12, my aunts rottweiler grabbed my leg when I was running next to it. No clue if it attacked me or if it was just playing, however I ended up with half of my leg split open. It required something like ten stitches to fix, and berly missed some crucial muscles.
2) I remeber that a girl from my elementary school class what almost mauled to death by her very own rottweiler. Even though the dog knew her forever, he still attacked her and ripped most of her skin of her head. They even wrote about this in our papers. Needless to say, ater spending six months in hospital, she never grew long hair again.
3) A few years ago a furious rottweiler chased me, when I passed on a bicycle. The owner, despite the fact that he was a big guy, just couldnt hold the damn thing. It was the fastest I ever went on a bike, too, but if the dog had gotten to me, I'm not sure if I would be writing any of this now.
So there you go. Perhaps extremely bad luck, perhaps not a coincidence at all.
Rottweiler + baby? I'd NEVER.
Last edited by Schwan; 04-18-2004 at 01:07 PM..