Originally posted by Lebell
Well, this makes me ask the question:
Do you then a) believe Israel is illegitimate as a nation and if so b) are the Palestinians justified in trying to destroy it?
No. And No. It bothers me how much misinformation is being spread here. If you want to look at the major deals Israel has offered in terms of land, they're a joke. Cantons of land sorrounded on all sides by Israel and seperated from each other. But, if you were to go strictly by what is said here, you'd think Israel has been so generous as to offer everything back to the Palestinians time and time again.
Taba was an informal meeting. Proposals were made, but nothing official. There is a good record provided by the EU observer. Israel broke off the meetings presumably because of the upcoming elections.
I don't support the destruction of Israel. That's silly. But when I hear people call for its destruction, 9 times out of 10 it isn't because they simply hate Jews. It's because for many hundreds of years Jews and Palestinians lived side by side in Palestine. That is what the people have always wanted. That's the way it always was. Why should they be subjugated because they're not Jewish?
Palestinians are justified in resisting occupation. I don't think suicide bombings are the right way, but I don't pretend to understand their suffering either. I've been to Palestinian refugee camps and I've seen it first hand. Only then did I understand the hopelessness and desperation these people face every day.