I've heard of Waterloo. Had a friend working up there at some cool audio software place.
I think the whole idea of XBox live is to be able to play online over the Internet. Since your office has supplied you with the hardware, I imagine you're already set up (and also since others area playing!)
Seems like your best bet would be to drop some email to some of the other outlying offices, or even a phone call, and ask how
they are getting hooked up. Gotta be an answer there somewhere....
Originally posted by KnifeMissle
My company is nice enough to give each department and office an X-Box with a copy of Halo. The home office has games semi-regularly.
I don't know who you work for, but can I send my resume? Sounds like a really neat place. Hell, my company is too cheap to get updated computers, let alone something for employee entertainment. You are a lucky one! Enjoy!