Originally posted by pan6467
Every other country out there pays more in gas than the US. Most tax gas far higher than we do because they have better environmental policies. My worry is that we are supposedly the greatest nation on Earth and we are showing people having a hard time affording gas because of a tax? Tells me more about the wages paid in this country and the economic situation as a whole.
Go to TorontoGasPrices.com. It's the Canadian version of GasBuddy.com. The most you can pay for gas (I'll assume unleaded) is $0.80 and 3 tenths of a cent. That's about 60 American cents. (59.7) Tell me again every other country is paying more for gas, I'll believe you, honest.
The country closest to us geographically and mentally (primarily geographically) pays at most about a third of our
national average for gas. [edit] Upon further research, our national average for regular is $1.816. They pay at most less than a third of our national average.
Japan, on the other hand, is paying about $3.60/gallon (103 yen/liter if you want to check the math). And their government increased it by 3 yen to get that. Supply and demand isn't causing it. Taxes are.