I would like to mention one more thing. Look into food allergies. Food additives can cause 'behavorial allergies". My son is allergic to Sodium Nitrates-they caused temper tantrums, belligerence, inattention and occasionally he would 'space out'. We only found this out because, after daily consults with his teacher about his odd behavior and lamenting over it, a coworker who is into holistics mentioned how he liked hotdogs, etc. Then, after a pepperoni kick that lasted 2 weeks, we ran out of it and i didn't buy more....his behavior became normal, so i did a 3 days-on, 3 days-off test on him and that proved the allergy. Some doctors balk at behavorial allergies and you may have to do your own testing and observances, but it's worth it in the long run if it helps your child.