Originally posted by Halx
According to various sources, I'll be teleporting to where I need to go.
Everytime I think of teleportation, I'm reminded of the scene in Spaceballs where the President's head gets slapped on backwards and facing his ass. No thanks.
I really don't think in 20 years you'll need to leave the house all that much. Movies, plays, and concerts pumped into your home on demand. Everything you need will be delivered promptly. Working from home will be the standard and schools will be a combination of on-line curriculum and real-time with interactive lessons with instructors through the television. (Sort of like current "distance learning" classes, but beefed up with better support)
Obviously there are some things that you will have to leave the house for. I really don't see much innovation for the car industry in the next 20 years. (They've always been rather reluctant) Optimistically speaking however, I think by then cars will have made the complete switch to an alternative power (electric, hydrogen, or something we haven't found yet.) I also think that the current crop of SUV/Sedan cars will become more the norm.