In 20 years, we'll all be driving hybrids, and those who don't will be taxed nearly to death. All high-performance vehicles will be running TDI systems, reducing fuel consumption while maintaining performance (Like the new Lamborghini Gallardo that gets 35mpg and delivers over 600hp 980 lb-ft of torque to the rear wheels.) A universal mass transit system will be in the works, with tax credits and incentives for those who chose to leave the car at home, or to not own a car at all.
The art of bicycle riding will regain popularity among fears of diminishing oil supply, and cyclists will have their own safe lanes along most roads with barriers to separate them from traffic. It will be cheaper and more efficient to make short bike trips than to hop in the car and drive a few blocks.
Home delivery services with online ordering will eliminate the need for most grocery store trips and other errands, reducing road congestion and pollution.