This move essentially throws the "Roadmap" into the trashcan and frankly I am not sure that is a bad thing. I am uncomfortable with the Bush Administration only working with Israel and Sharon on this issue, because it only deepens the suspicion about U.S. intentions. However, until the Palestinians can put forth a more credible and trustworthy leader than Arafat, I do not think the Bush Administration is going to deal.
Personally, I think it would behoove Israel to hasten to settle this issue, allow the "Two-State" solution to come to fruition and then demand more aide from the U.S. and Europe to ensure their stabilty and security. They will benefit greatly in the long run. Just my opinion.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams