Sorry, but this poster just bothered me, because as a CS student I hear this ALL the time and use it all the time, and it's perfectly acceptible!
Originally posted by viveleroi0
People who make non-words part of their conversation.
AT work, people commonly say "It was inputted".
INPUTTED? That is the one thing that drives me nuts! It makes me think less of whoever is talking.
tr.v. Computer Science in·put·ted, or in·put in·put·ting, in·puts
To enter (data or a program) into a computer.
Usage Note: The noun input has been used as a technical term for about a century in fields such as physics and electrical engineering, but its recent popularity grows out of its use in computer science, where it refers to data or signals entered into a system for processing or transmission. In general discourse input is now widely used to refer to the transmission of information and opinion, as in The report questioned whether a President thus shielded had access to a sufficiently varied input to have a realistic picture of the nation or The nominee herself had no input on housing policy. In this last sentence the meaning of the term is uncertain: it may mean either that the nominee provided no opinions to the policymakers or that she received no information about housing policy. This vagueness in the nontechnical use of input may be one reason that some critics have objected to it (including, in an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel). Though the usage is well established, care should be taken not to use the word merely as a way to imply an unwarranted scientific precision.
Sure, using bad grammar bothers me, but the absolute worst grammar pet peeve of mine is when someone corrects a perfectly acceptible sentence. If you are going to correct me, please make sure I was actually wrong. I'm not an idiot, and I know how to speak my own language, thank you.