"Keep the Settlements" per Bush
In a complete change of Policy, Decades in the making. Bush today backed a plan set forth by Sharon to keep settlements in the West Bank, regardless of the wishes of the palestinians. He really pissed everyone off, and I mean everyone(except of course Sharon).
It would seem that a huge step backward has just been taken in the Middle East and I cannot understand why. The credibility of the United States in this region was already at an all time low, at a time when we need massive support in an attempt to create stability. We have just gone from little, to no persuasive power in diplomacy.
I can only hope this is not an indication of "speak loudly, and blow them all to hell" mentality. We simply cannot afford to do that anymore, it does not work.
I can't seem to find much verification on this story, so I may be ranting for no reason......actually I hope I am.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha