An avid golfer was just teeing up his ball when he felt a tap on his shoulder, as he turned around another golfer placed a piece of paper in his hand. The paper read 'I am Deaf and Mute may I please play through?' Well the avid golfer was little amused, his reply stated that since the other golfer was deaf and mute it did not entitle him to the handicap rules. Returning to his tee, the avid golfer lined up his shot and swung, "Nice shot, you hit it right in the middle of the fairway", replied his caddy. So the avid golfer proceeds to his second shot, as he his lining up the shot, he is suddenly struck in the head with a golfball. Turning toward the tee off box he sees the deaf mute standing there with his hand raised high in the air. "What the hell is he doing asked the avid golfer?" The caddie looks and says he's got his hand in the air with four fingers raised.