got twins son would go maybe an hour between feedings. I nursed and gave bottles and at 5 weeks, he was drinking about 8 oz every 45 minutes. Daughter, on the other hand, ate ok but was colicky. A couple of tricks I used to help the process: 1-keep a cooler in their room with the filled bottles needed-saves trips to the kitchen (make a pitcher or 2 of formula a day). Formula, the Dr told me does not have to be heated, just not ICE cold. 2- When one wakes up, wake up the other one and feed both at the same time.(if wife can after you go to work, take them into bed with her-just lie them perpendicular to herself.) I put them on a stack of quilts on the floor in their room and sat holding bottles. When I couldn't keep up with my son's demands for bottles and boob, the Dr told me make rice cereal, not too thick, and feed him with a small spoon-if he sucks it in, he's ready for it. He did. I mixed the cereal with breast milk but if she's not nursing, formula is fine-just check with the DR before starting. Daughter's colic was also relieved by mixing breast milk with warm water and/or holding her face-down over my knees while stroking her back. She also had premature gag reflex, so patting her back vigorously after feedings helped too.
I agree, I don't see how people have just one at a time!!! Wait til they start their own language-that's a real kick!!!! Congrats and good luck!