I agree with most of the posts here, censorship in any form is just wrong. I as a parent have the right to decide what is acceptable for my kids to view,listen to ect. I take great offence at anyone (government) telling me what I can or can't do. As has been said if you don't like it don't watch or listen. As for adult content any child over the age of 5 that goes to school knows all swear words and how to use them. Hard core porn should be restricted to adults only but most kids are smart enough to make their own choices on what they want to watch. It is the parents responcibility to teach the kids right form wrong.
As far as the DVD players if you don't like the movie the way it was orginally made don't watch it.
The only way we are going to change things is to start electing younger people with a more up to date way of thinking, and get rid of the old relics who have been in charge for way to long.
I have to say this is a good rant I could go ono for a long time about this as it really pisses me off when other people try to force there morals on me.