Try some trading games first. Just use your favorite search engine, it shouldn't be hard to find one. Practice is important.
For actual trading, I would choose Ameritrade to start. Low fees so you can start small and change your mind often. Start small and give yourself easy targets. Also, if you are just starting out, put the majority of your money into a mutual fund. Use what you already know to choose which one, and let their experts deal with the tricky parts.
As for research, check the forums at Yahoo and Raging Bull for discussions, they usually lead you to good research. Clearstation at etrade is a good site to learn about technical analysis basics. Finally, don't forget the guys over at MotleyFool. They can help you develop your own research strategy.
That should get you started, but there is soooo much to learn. Most investors are still learning even after years of schooling and years of investing experience.