I think President Bush would be a great guy to hang out with if he was just a regular blue collar working guy. I don't think he is fit to be the President of the United States. That's certainly not an insult. It's just that some guys are better suited for other lines of work. Bush's hobbies of working outdoors and playing sports seem to suggest he'd be better suited for a more labor-intensive job. Does anyone other than Bush himself believe he would be President if he didn't happen to be born to George Bush I?
I think the President has tried his best to fit the role. He certainly struggled quite a bit initially after the close election and no clear mandate. But then came 9-11. America was desperate for a strong comforting leader and he fulfilled that role well. He reacted like a normal person would and I think most Americans appreciated that.
Since then, however, Bush has deluded himself into thinking he's the next coming of Jesus. He actually believes that God wanted him to become President in order to carry out His mission. Just the other day, he was unable to name a single mistake he's made since 9-11. Those who agree with the President's policies see a President who is strong, steadfast and determined. Everyone else sees a President who is so committed to his views, going so far as to believe they are part of his mission from God, that he will not listen to contrary evidence. And that kind of President is a dangerous President.