I just got my lip done (center, high placement) about 2 weeks ago, and yes, there are "disadvantages" as opposed to other piercings. For example, even after being stretched, my lobes have never made it hard to eat. And I can't remember my eyebrow ring ever making me spill a drink on myself.
However, it's a piercing that I really wanted, and I feel that it was well worth the issues.
As for gum damage, with proper placement, the risk can be minimized. Also, if you're worried about it, try PTFE (teflon) jewelry. it's much less damaging.
Also, a vertical labret (which goes up inside the actual flesh of the lip, instead of straight through) is much, much less likely to damage the teeth/gums.
Also, I tried healing mine with a ring at first, but due to the large size I had to get to allow for swelling, it was very uncomfortable. I ended up switching to a spiked labret stud after only a week, and it's been healing MUCH better.
And although they're not "permanent" per se, you can expect a small scar if you decide to take it out later. And, the rings/barbells aren't hard to take out, although you will have to wait quite a while before you can leave them out for more than a minute or two. In fact, with oral piercings, some people are never able to leave them out for as long as you would, say, a lobe piercing.
it's all about self-indulgence