Originally posted by qtpye4u84
I have a lot of questions.
I heard the Brazilian wax was where they waxed every thing like all the hairs in all the areas of the *you know what* even by the butt. lol.
Yup, that's basically what it is.
I am not sure to what places do this and I am not sure about how much it will cost, $45 to 60 seems to much has any one got this done for cheaper?
That seems about right.
I heard that ppl with herpes should not get this done it will open back up the herpes(I dont have them) just warning any one with them.
That I don't know about - you sure as hell shouldn't get it done if you have open sores - forget the hygiene aspect, it'd hurt like bloody fuckng hell! Dono if it could trigger a latent
I am shy down there, so do they make you spread your legs so they can wax every thing down below the * you know what* if you have any thing?
Well, yeah, you kind of have to spread your legs so they can get everything. If you're shy, don't get a Brazilian, just get a normal bikini wax. This is not for those who wanna keep their privates private.
my friend said she tips the lady a lot because she does not want her saying any thing about her lol.

Meh - they're professionals, and they see enough coochies that I'm sure it's no big deal. You should tip because they do a good job in a um...delicate area.