You have a lifetime to explore the bottles behind the bar, so it is good that you are curious. Over time your taste will become more and more refined. Some people find one drink and stay with it. Some move from one drink to the next gradually as they age. Some have a variety of drinks they enjoy in different circumstances.
I love to try new beers given the chance and a simple cold one is great at certain times. I love to have a glass or two of wine with a nice meal. I rarely have wine otherwise.
I need a margarita two or three times a year, but I find that is enough tequila. However, I have never been known to turn down "body shots"
Try a glass of port periodically late at night after a good meal. There are some good ones for not to much money.
All that being said, I choose whiskeys from Scotland or Ireland most of the time. Single malts are trendy and many are very good, but if you are trying to develop your taste, I would recomend sticking to the moderately priced blends. The cheap ones are only good for cleaning and the expensive ones are good, but best saved for after college. I like JW Black, but it is a bit pricey. If you are on a budget (and who isn't) Jameson is a GREAT choice. It is affordable and very drinkable. Bushmills Black may be the smoothest Irish out there, but it costs a little more and has a smokey flavor more reminiscent of Scotch which is the only whiskey that actually comes into contact with smoke in the manufacturing process.
When you have whiskey, always add at least a splash of water. It rounds out and brings out the flavor. It does not take much to accomplish this. Ice will do the same thing and I usually use ice and a splash. I add a lot more water when I want a lighter drink and have access only to an inferior whiskey.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"