22:18:19.032975 > my-ip.1439: P 130706573:130706575(2) ack 154129622 win 16295 (DF)
130706573:130706575(2) are sequence numbers. (2) is the amount of data in this packet.
ack 154129622
this is the sequence number the remote computer knows the client computer knows about. (ie, he is waiting for any ack after this).
win 16295
He has 16 k of buffer space availiable for responses.
The "P" means a "push" packet. I don't know what that means.
After tcpdump sees a new conversation, all later sequence numbers are relative to the numbers in the start of the conversation. That is why all the other packets have such low sequence numbers: tcpdump is making it easier for humans to read.
22:18:19.041908 my-ip.1439 > . ack 147 win 64089 (DF)
ack 147 means "I have heard up to sequence number 147".
"." means no flags set.
Dunno what (DF) means.
my-ip.1439 >
means this is a packet going from my-up port 1439 to port 20500.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.