Aqua Velva is cheap, you get smashed and smell good at the same time!!
I had your problem when I first when off to University. I didn't like beer and found that most hard booze was expensive when I was at a club.
My soloution was to learn to appreciate beer. Do yourself a favour and start with some good beers. Anything from a major brewery is, generally speaking, piss. Find some good micro brews and experiment.
If you are not willing to go that route:
Tequilla - is good
Gin... often seen as a ladies drink but that's just bad marketing. Gin and Tonic or even better the Gimlet (1part gin to one part lime cordial - a classic, flavourful and after a couple it feels like your head has been cleaved by a big lime)
Scotch is good but is expensive when you start getting into quality scotch
Rum... This is good with Coke
Vodka... good with a variety of mixes and on its own. I prefer it freezer chilled. A friend used to stuff his bottle full of hot peppers, stick it in the freezer for a week or so and then consume... fire and ice baby!
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke