There is a difference between name calling, and repeating a political statement. While I do agree my post was somewhat borderline, and I suppose an apology would be indicated(sorry), this was meant as a statement about the ability of a politician to articulate, and think on his feet.
I was also trying to set a point, which is:
If a diplomat from another country , feels compelled to risk retribution to express disatisfaction with the intellect of "the leader of the free world", and very few dipute the accuracy of such a statement, there may be some truth to it.
I will be completely honest with you. I do question the capabilities of GWB when it comes to setting the direction of my country, as this is a relatively important priority for the president. My interpretation of Mr. Bushs' intellect was not intended as a personal attack, but as a statement of concern.
I would hope, that the man who is leading this country, is at the very least smarter than myself. And I do believe most Americans would hope for this as well. Again if my post came off as an attack on the president, this was not my main intent (although in reflection, you are correct it was an insult an regratable) But, watching him address the nation was embarassing for me, and that pissed me off.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha