Originally posted by Regziever
Sweden have spread about it like, it is filled with shards of glass, there is arsenic added to it etc. but most of it is just FUD-tactics.
I think what you're referencing is an ad campaign put out by the Truth organization (
www.thetruth.com) called "Shards-o-Glass" (
www.shards-o-glass.com). The message behind the ad campaign (which in my opinion, is absolutely wonderful) is that even if a company's product is so outrageously detrimental to your health, and obviously so, they will try to market it as if it's not a big deal at all. Watch the mock commercial they made - genius.
And while tobacco by itself may not contain arsenic, large tobacco companies (including Philip Morris, makers of Marlboro) add a variety of different chemicals proven to cause cancer in laboratory tests.
http://www.mnmed.org/publications/Mn...arch/Jones.cfm So, it might as well be arsenic.