I'm not looking to change the drive size. I'm just trying to anticipate a drive failure and get it replaced before catastrophe strikes.
I don't have multiple partitions, just two hard drives: a 20g and a 40g. They are set up as master and slave, respectively, but each have WinXP installed on them. They share data between them, despite the separate OS. I haven't used RAID.
Right now, the plan is to get rid of all non essentials (the kids can reinstall Age of Empires, Red Alert, etc.) and make a compressed copy of the failing drive on the good drive for back-up purposes. That way, if copying the drives fails, I can try a clean install of my neccessary programs and just copy my data back from the other drive.
Meanwhile, I do some research on Norton Ghost (although, I've never had anything but grief from any Norton product!) Thanks, sailor!
"Regret can be a harder pill to swallow than failure .With failure you at least know you gave it a chance..." David Howard