Stumbleing up to the bar.....I call over my trusty bartender!
"Hey Bartender... I hear there are no zipped files allowed here!
"nope I am sorry friend... but you can leave a message or a post"
"Well I was hoping to give this to 'The Original King' is HE around by chance?"
"ummm... sorry it is still kind of early and she has a note saying HE is still in Bed!"
"Well can I leave this here for her then?"
I stuggle with my backpack that I swear weighs 50 thousand pounds by now...
and pull out a HUGE leatherbound volume of "Bar Rules"
"I know some of these are common knowledge... but many are quite funny!"
"Holy... that is alot of rules I'll put that with the Humour forum"
"Thanks bartender... much appreciated, have a good night!"
I stumble towards the door and bounce off the payphone which reminds me to phone a cab
"Hey Buddy" the bartender becons my way... "Who shall I say this is from"
Oh just tell him it is from ~:BClonghair:~
Hey King... some longhair came in and left these for you!
Last edited by BClonghair; 04-14-2004 at 06:08 AM..