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Old 04-13-2004, 01:58 PM   #33 (permalink)
StephenSa's Avatar
Location: Dallas, Texas
Whoo boy, honesty on the weight issue can be a dicey thing. I posted a similiar dilema here a short while ago and know your pain. Sounds like both our women are in similar shape, about 25 pounds of loss would make my girl amazing looking, of course I find her beautiful now and tell her so daily. After hearing her complain about her weight and not feeling sexy for some time and after trying the encouraging "I think you are beautiful" approach I finally fessed up and said, "Sweetie, sure I wouldn't mind if you lost a few pounds but I think you are beautiful just as you are and if you never changed thats would be fine with me." This translates to "You are a horrible fat pig and I am repulsed by by your body" in girl talk. I spent over a month in purgatory for that one and I'm still feeling the repercussions of it. The sex was already slowed because of her body perception issues and that has slowed it even more. (Only with the light off and only once in a while kind of thing) I don't really know what to tell you. I, like you, am highly focused on my fitness and work out five days a week. I also have a problem with someone constantly complaining about their weight and not DOING anything about it. Still, I love the girl and have no intentions of leaving her. I just try to lead by example. I talk about my workouts, buy only healthy foods, make a point of NOT having bad fast food even when she does and just generally try to make fitness something that is always a highly visible subject. I make sure to let her know I find her beauthiful and sexy. If she wears a short t-shirt to bed or something I make the appropriate complimentary comment to remind her "Yes girl, you are hot and I want you!" My hope is she will eventually get the will to climb on the boat with me and get in shape. Its a long road but so far its the only option I have found, I know it doesn't seem pro-active but if nothing else works its worth a shot. Good luck.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.
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