Originally posted by KnifeMissle
I don't really know what the state of Linux is so I would suggest FreeBSD.
Um...reasons? He didn't say he toyed with the idea of a UNIX-variant box, he said specifically a Linux box. I normally wouldn't care about such a suggestion, but it really has nothing to do with what he was asking. BUT, if you have an actual reason why you think it would be better for him to get acquainted with a UNIX-type system using FreeBSD instead of Linux - beyond the fact that you don't know what the state of Linux is - then please post it so that he and anyone else looking to try something new out knows. Of course, since you don't know the state of Linux, it's my guess that you probably don't know what is (and isn't) involved with the current distros and, thus, likely can't give any specific reasons.
Plugging your favorite OS or browser or whatever is an alright thing to do when it's actually responding to something, but I don't see how "try FreeBSD" fits as an answer to "what you guys would recommend for a linux newbie."