also: the idea that america/texas are the only places where people have fought for their independance and created a properous society is completely false. all european countries, as some point in their history, fought for independence to create a prosperous country. germany fought off the roman empire and the segregation by the concert of europe. England fought for independence from the normans and eventually ruled the colonies of the world. Even the soviet union can be considered as a successful revolution to a new form of government, at least for the 40 years or so that it was a superpower. The only difference between these countries and the united states is that the those countries are past their peak of power, while the US has its decline to look forward to sometime in the future.
EDIT: I just noticed you said "no other nation had to fight for the existence of itself." You can't be serious?? Nearly every nation on the planet fought for independence! The only ones that didn't that come to mind are some of the recent european colonies that were more peacefully handed back their sovereignty.
oh baby oh baby, i like gravy.
Last edited by rsl12; 04-13-2004 at 01:15 PM..