Originally posted by onodrim
Glad to hear it went well lurkette! Just out of curiousity - how much did it cost? I'd love to have it done, but I am on a college budget.
This time it cost $45. It looks like it could have been as cheap as $35 for a follow-up visit (easier because there's less/finer hair) or as expensive as $60 if I'd had more hair (I don't have a lot, and it wasn't very long) and opted for the "full" treatment - I didn't opt for the "flip over and wax your butt" part. Frankly, I don't have that much hair on my behind, and I was REALLY ready to be done.
It's now, oh, 3 hours post-wax and I'm feeling pretty good. It's still a little tender but not very red. Oddly enough, it's not the "dainty bits" that hurt the worst but the very upper region of the mons, near the top of the hairline. I guess the hair is coarsest and thickest there, and that's where she had to tweeze the most. That part still prickles a bit.