Haunted Places
OK Folks. Lets list some haunted places in your area that you have experienced or know someone who has. This way, if we all post we might discover a new place to visit close to home....
I have been to several haunted places in the OH, KY and IN area. I have lots of pics to share, I will post them soon. I usually make it a ritial to research a good place to stay for Halloween each year. We have been doing this for almost 6 years now. It is a blast.
Have I ever seen a ghost? Nah.... I caught some intresting stuff on film that I have not yet figured out, but I don't think I have seen a ghost.
Louisville -
Waverly Hills TB Hospital
Seelbach Hotel
Talbot Inn
Kentucky -
Bobby Mackeys
I will post pics of these locations with details on each soon.
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