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Old 04-19-2003, 01:33 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: the phoenix metro
how to post and link pictures from an msn group

okay... you're itching to finally throw up that special set you've always wanted to share... you wanna show off those great shots of your new car, those scanned pictures of your beautiful new girlfriend, the candid shots of your pet llama in seductive positions... but you don't have the webspace! <i>but do i have the solution for you!</i> - let bill foot the bill. that's right, repeat it with me: <b> let bill foot the bill</b>. start an msn group! you're looking at three megs of hotlinkable picture hosting powered by the megalith microsoft, so you know it won't be going anywhere anytime soon. here's how to do it.

1.) first and foremost, you need an <b>msn account</b>. hotmail will do, an msn passport will do, sucking bill's balls will do, just do whatever it takes to get that msn account so you can sign in to

2.) once you're all signed in, sit back, sigh, and think... you've sold your soul to microsoft for three megs of image hosting... dosen't it feel great? okay. now, press the "<b>my groups</b>" button on the left. once that creaky old computer has loaded up the next page, click on the "<b>create a group</b>" link. that's enough for this step. take a breather and we'll continue.

3.) holy shit. creativity time. <b>you need a name</b> for that broken-ass group you're gonna be raping like a little schoolgirl who got lost on the way to grandma's house. now describe your madness. don't get too detailed, no-one really cares that much about you. oh. i hurt your feelings? okay. i care that much about you. feeling better? good. quit your whining and let's go. we're falling behind. press the continue button and we'll...

4.) ... continue to the next step. isn't it wild how that works? now, rate your group. are we posting things you'd want grandma to see, or are we posting things grandma used to do when she was your age? next, and this is so fucking important that i'm gonna hurt your eyes for a moment: <b>YOUR MEMBERSHIP POLICY <i>MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST</i> BE SET TO <u>PUBLIC</u>. YOUR PICTURES WILL <i>NOT</i> HOTLINK UNLESS YOUR MEMBERSHIP POLICY IS SET TO <u>PUBLIC</u>. THiS BOLD ORANGE TEXT IS DAMN ANNOYING BUT IT GETS THE POINT ACROSS NICELY</b>. now that your membership policy is set to public, you can make your own desicions on moderating, lsiting, and language. this step is getting too long so i'm not gonna help you there.

5.) now you get to choose what kind of spammers they'll sell your name to. nothing's free buddy. <b>select your group's category</B>. choose something random, or put some deep thought into it. it's your time, not mine.

6.) some <b>preferences</b> so the microsoft computers will have an easier time integrating your brain into the matrix when 2012 comes around. again, i'm not going to think for you, just do it so we can move on.

7.) HOLY RUSTED METAL BATMAN!!! you have a group! now you're ready to uplaod pictures! excited? i can tell. point that thing away from me. anyways, on the left you'll see the only section you'll ever need (unless you're one of those people who abandons the tfp for the magical world of msn groups.. if that's the case, just die. please.) - <b>pictures</b>. click it, dammit.

8.) we're going to upload a photo. isn't that special? click the <b>add photos</b> button. now apparently the monkeys in redmond have developed an upload-management program. if you wnat it, you can have it. i don't want it, so we're gonna do this the hard way. scroll down until you see <b>add one photo at a time</b>. click it. now browse for the photo on your hard drive, name it and describe it if you want to, and do one more thing for me. unless you like strange computers doing horrible things to your images while you're not looking, make sure the <b>don't resize</b> button is clicked. are you ready to go? about fucking time... you always make me wait. click the add photo button.

9.) you're back to your pictures page. welcome. do you feel comfortable? good. you'll be doing this alot once you get the hang of it. we're going to learn how to <b>link the picture</b> now. click the thumb of whatever picture you intend to link. now you're at its page where the picture should be displayed at full size. if it's not then you obviously did something wrong, so backtrack your silly ass a couple of steps and figure out where you deviated from my perfect path. now right-click your picture and go to the <b>properties</b> of your picture. in the address field of properties, you're going to see a link that looks something like this:!Db0i1dkz6SgJ4DrXsgsdJdiDMrTDcCWmDpYt6mwkVuA0!!7I!0xAKrak4Rw4OJ4AK4zepPErlYuxmOZenWlKf*WA/supes_iclogo.jpg?dc=4675418399272031208

pretty scary, huh? all of that gibberish makes perfect sense to previously discussed monkeys at redmond, so you're gonna hafta live with it. highlight the <i>entire</i> address (you'll have to start at the beginning of the address and scroll your mouse down through it to ensure you pick up all of the gibberish), and then press ctrl-c - you've copied the address. now go to your tfp screen and paste (ctrl-v) the entire mess into [img] tags. if you did it right, you'll get a picture. did i do it right? let's see:


of course i did. i've never <i>ever</i> fucked anything up in my life. i'm your god and you owe me big-time for making your free image hosting nightmares disappear. i take cash, money orders, and girls with beautiful eyes. your choice.

<i>still</i> having problems? damn. life's tough, ain't it? but because i'm here to help, i'll give you personalized attention and make your life easier (ain't i a sweety?). feel free to PM me <b>WITH THE URL TO YOUR GROUP'S PICTURE PAGE</b> (it should look like this:<b></b>. if it dosen't, i'll pm you back in the evilest shade of orange possible saying nasty things about your lineage, your offspring, and the general existance in this world of the meat-filled sack of flesh sitting in your computer chair) and we'll see what we can do to help you exploit microsoft to its fullest potential. happy posting, kids.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine

Last edited by phredgreen; 08-17-2003 at 12:47 AM..
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