Originally posted by water_boy1999
I do. I wish I didn't. Started when I was 9 and am turning 30 this year. I have tried to quit but it is much more difficult than smoking. One "chew" is 3 times as addictive and 10 times as powerful as one cigarette. In July, when I turn 30, I am going to give it my best effort to quit. I have no problems with my lips, gums, or teeth. I have always been extremely carefule and timely when it comes to brushing my teeth so I don't see any bad signs yet......yet.
Wish me luck!
I feel your pain!!
I've done it for years, and am currently into my second week without it. I've "quit" twice before for more than a couple of months. Hopefully the third time's the charm. I've heard different numbers for a comparison of dip vs. cigarettes, but I think it varies with how big a dip, whether you swallow or not, etc.. Basically, one dip is equal to several cigarettes. Big dips of Copengagen are equal to many cigarettes.
Man, I miss it. I started in High School, because it was rebellious. Through college, I'd do it when studying, out with the guys, or bored in the dorm. It didn't make you smell bad like cigarettes. I'd quit after college, cause I knew I would'nt be drinking like that in the real world, I'd quit dipping too when I grew up. Then law school was alot more stressfull and much more studying. Then I'd quit after I took the bar exam. Talk about stress, I needed it like I've never needed it before! So i took it and quit, until I started worrying about the bar results. And I thought taking the bar was stressful! Sure I "knew" I'd passed, just like everyone else, but there was that nagging creeping fear. I started again. I'd quit when I entered the real world and was a real lawyer. But in the real world, talk about stress?! real money, not grades are on the line! long hours, long car trips, Nights in the office prepping, etc.. Besides, lots of people do it, and I can swallow it if I need to to hide this somewhat embarassing habit.
Well, it was time. I've already gained 5 pounds, and am sick and tired of sunflower seeds, beef jerky, and this crap called "Bacc-off" My mouth hurts more now than it ever did. My skin is crawling, and I really miss it.
It's like saying goodbye to an old friend! I still want the stuff.
It sucks!!