Originally posted by Dilbert1234567
ya dont worry bout the PCI express, Lasereth you must remember that there is more then just clock speeds. there is bandwidth between the card and the processor too.
Hey, I'm not arguing that PCI-E is useless or anything. I realize that the possibilities of PCI-E videocards are simply amazing. I'm just aguing the fact that NVIDIA and ATI have already said that none of their cards released in the next year are going to go full-steam ahead with the uses of PCI-E. ATI is still releasing AGP cards WITH the PCI-E cards with no projected impairments. It'll be over a year from now when PCI-E cards are actually better than what AGP cards can do. As of now, they're simply putting them on PCI-E to make the change and increasing the clock speed/adding more RAM. In other words, jacking up the price with their new cards as usual.