is spamassassin running at all?
what you could try is run "/etc/init.d/amavis debug" - that shows you what goes wrong with amavis. I think spamassassin also has such a feature. If it isn't running, it isn't filtering...
I had a similar problem before, where amavis wouldn't run, and my e-mails would be stuck in postfix' queue. I managed to solve it - it had something to do with a directory not being writable.
Something you also have to remember: every time you change amavis.conf, you have to run "/etc/init.d/amavis reload" to get the thing to see those changes. Sometimes you actually need to stop and start it again (similar command).
some tools to really simplify the testing process:
- <b>webmin</b> --- a web-based admin program for linux. Either apt-get it, or download the latest gzipped version. (Try google)
- <b>mailwasher</b> --- a windows anti-spam program, with useful feature that it shows you the messages on the server *without* downloading them, allowing you to see what's happening. Or try webmin's "read user mail"...
update for my own server: managed to set-up my first personal rules in spam-assassin, which should cut my spam levels a lot.