Yes I dip, for about a year now. Started in High School, during my study hall a couple of my buddies who always did it in school hooked me up with one so we could do it in the library. It was pretty fuckin sweet the first month or so but now it doesnt do much yet I'm still addicted.
Once in awhile I"ll get the good ole buzz from it. Its definatly more buzz than cigs is. I've been trying to quit for 2-3 months now. I cut back to about 2 cans a week. I was up to 1 can a day at one point.
As for the people who think it "stinks" Honestly you can't smell the shit unless your like 2 inches from my mouth. And anyone respectful is gonna have a bottle you can't see the spit in.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.