yes i have had dreams of future events
same type situation... going to a friends house and then i saw the friend get his hand caught in a tick tack toe machine wich i had never seen before... then the next day i went to the play ground with that friend and there was a tick tak toe machien there... and sure enough he got his hands caught in it and i was standing in the exact same place watching then as i was in my dream just observing it and having no emotion as in the dream... like i was dreaming it agian.. but it was real agian... there manny strange things about the mind that happen for no explainable reason.. some times i just like you may think some times think i am ensane... but think, what is insane. it is just a thaught proces away from the norm. and we are luck to be able to see the world in a deeper way.. we have the power of deeeeeeep thaught. i am excited to here from you in a reply maby.