One other thing: drawing on the idea (apparently acknowleged by the director) that "Sky Captain" is actually a sort of live-action cartoon, I do want to say that certain shots and features in the trailer reminded me a great deal of the Max Fleisher Superman cartoons from the early '40s. The Fleisher Supermans were very realistic, in a blocky, expressionist sort of way, "lit" like noir movies with lots of shadows and direct light sources animated in, and a lot of dim, low-light scenes. The scene in the trailer where a line of cops in semi-silhouette raise Thompson guns to shoot down the sky invaders is right out of "Mechanical Monsters," as are the giant robots in Sky Captain. I'm not claiming plagiarism, just homage. If you've never seen the Fleisher Superman cartoons, they're really worth a look. Much superior to all the other Superman TV cartoons that came after. I've got some on VHS, and I think they're on DVD also.